Dota 2 dmg block calculations
Dota 2 dmg block calculations

dota 2 dmg block calculations

+Flame Tendrils: All enemies in a 8-10 block area are damaged for 200%damage 75%fire. +Blazing Aura: the heat causes your enemies to panic(=blind)(35%fire). +Bleeding: Poisons targets for extra average neutral dmg*attack speed/3s(or longer if it is legal).Ĥ Fiery Snake (Costs 8/42 Mana 20%max health)(60%damage 25%fire /0.5s)Īn aura of flames of ~4-5 blocks surrounds you for 5 seconds, dealing damage to nearby enemies. +Punish: Slows down enemies 30%(300%damage 20%thunder 10%earth). Use your weapon to slam targets in front of you. +Soaring: You can pull multiple times.ģ Spiked Whip (Costs 6/32 mana, 250% damage 15% thunder) +Hookshot: Replace the fishing rod motion with a arrow shot. Launches a fishing rod hook, left/right click to let it pull you ahead.

dota 2 dmg block calculations

+Scorpius Poison: The target is weakened(if not then slow) for 30%. +Grab: Pulls/teleports the hit target to you. melee weapon that attacks a few blocks straight in front of you (little longer than warrior but much shorter than mage, no sweep(hits only 1 target)).ġ Entangle (Costs 7/35 mana)(50% damage 40%air 20%earth 15%thunder)įires a slow-flying bolt that freezes the first mob hit for 3 seconds but you become unable to attack. Option 1=Hook(fishing rods that can damage mobs it hooked multiple times) +Quadratic Structure: There are 4 shields instead of 3. +Guardian: Enemies that are touched by the shields are hit and knocked back.(100%Damage 15%fire). Summons 3 shields made that orbit you with the diameter of 5 blocks. The length of the attack is greatly increased.Ĥ Bone Plating (Costs 8/43 Mana 40%max health)(lasts for 12 seconds) +Guided Ramming: you can set the area of attack(except the default straight line) by looking on nearby floor of similar height level. +Sensitivity of Nature: The attack is prepared faster(350%Damage 40%earth 15%thunder). Rolls the terrain in front of the player and use them to damage enemies(sets a line of area of attack, channels for a little time, then rock or dirt or grass rolls up to deal damage(a bit similar to ice snake but casted at ground level)), the player is unable to attack(or even move) for a moment. +Parthian Tactics: Cooldown caused by being attacked down to 2s from 6s.ģ Terrain Roll (Cost 8/40 Mana)(350%Damage 40%earth) +Whisper of Winds: You are invisible during the leap. Only usable when not being hit for 6 seconds. +Disarm: Hit enemies take +25% damage for 4s(125%Damage 40%air 15%thunder). +Windy Aura: Hit enemies are unable to ranged attack the player at the moment(blinded effect?). Has the damage slightly higher than wands.ġ Tornado (Costs 6/30 Mana)(125%Damage 40%air)Ĭasts an aura that rushes ahead and launch up enemies(lasts for 4 seconds, travels at 5.5block/s). Also has a unique stat that determines how many projectiles can be at the same time. (using the super slow as 1 and super fast as 7 scale, can't be lower than 1) Weapon Attack Speed affects how much targets can the boomerang hit(it hits through targets).

dota 2 dmg block calculations

Can be thrown out(right click, can be hold to spam like bow) and grabbed back(automatically, the boomerang disappears after a while even when the player didn't catch it or if it hit enough enemies) similar to the block-and-chain/cube of annihilation of Twilight Forest, and the bonemerang of Hypixel Skyblock, 0.625s cooldown. (If there can be a cooldown system it will work great for their abilities) Here are some suggestions for possible new classes

Dota 2 dmg block calculations